Without the help of our partners and sponsors this project would not be possible.
If you are interested in supporting the HONOUR COUNTRY SACRIFICE project please feel free to contact us.

Sans l'aide de nos partenaires et sponsors, ce projet ne serait pas possible.
Si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet HONOUR COUNTRY SACRIFICE, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.

Partners / Partenaires

Official Photographic Lighting Sponsor



Early Supporters (2018-2022)

Friends of Honour Country Sacrifice

Carson Choy
Christina Connelly
Mark DiMonte
Ramona Burke
Anjli Patel & Parambir Keila
Andrew Siwy
Ingrid Pawley.
Perry Phalla
Tom & Cathy Orser
Gertrude Kearns
Martin Kenneally
Christian Lillington
Gurudas Gandhi
William Malone
Joseph Blanchard
Jamie Van Delft
Christopher Banks
Craig Rowe
Claude Larocque
Stephen Sadler
Scott Clancy
David Howard
Angèle Tassone
Glen Moore
Naz Goshtasbpour
Michael Lafave
Jessica Jepp & Neil Marshall
Jason Fox
Francois Camus
Gregory Monkv
Suzanne Archer
Ingrid MacIsaac